Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ducks have feelings too!

A couple days ago Calvin started to develop a nurturing side.  He started carrying around a fluffy duck that Katie gave him for his first Easter and announcing, "The duck is sad!"

Then he holds the duck out for me or Quinn to hug and kiss.  Then the duck will get sad again, so he'll hug the duck and say, "Oh, poor duck."

He's also been extra connected to other ducks.  We couldn't leave the pool until he said goodbye to the rubber duckie that he was playing with, and kissed it's bill.  We went to Ashley Pond and spent twenty minutes talking to the ducks and wondering what they were thinking about.

Then today, he brought the duck with him to preschool.  He's had a hard time adjusting to preschool, especially the Ark, where he seems to rotate between a few different classrooms.  He went in clutching the duck and he was still holding him when I picked him up three hours later. His teacher said that he did so much better and didn't get upset once.  When he got into the car, Calvin told me that the duck wants pizza.

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