Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Waking up from my musical hibernation

I don't know what's wrong with me (OK, I admit it, I can think of at least five things that are Wrong With Me) but it's been a very long time since I've played trumpet.

But I talked to some trumpet players in town and they said that nearly everyone in the Community Winds have had a time (5-20 years) where they put the horn down and came back to it. So they won't make fun of me.

And for a long time I thought it would be too hard to play with Calvin around. Because I'll wake him up if I play when he sleeps, and when he's awake he's always trying to get my attention. When I have a babysitter I usually want to make the most of it by writing, particularly if I might get paid for what I'm writing (because it's refreshing to know that I'm making more than the babysitter every now and again).

Anyway, I started practicing the other day and Calvin loved it. He was entertained. I played a song he likes from Fraggle Rock. Then he wanted to play. I think if I start to play my biggest challenge will be that I'll have to fight over the trumpet with Calvin.

But either way, the Community Winds is rehearsing tonight and I'm going.