Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why does my toddler hit his own head?

Calvin has developed a disturbing habit in the past month of hitting his own head. If he's frustrated, like when I am cooking and not paying attention to him fast enough, he'll whack his head against the floor and start to cry. And if he's real upset about something he'll hit his head over and over. It's like a temper tantrum.

We don't know what to do, because we don't want to run up to him and give him loads of attention every time he hits his head, because that would be like a reward. I've been trying to casually stop him and distract him. But the other day I put him in his crib for a nap and he didn't fall asleep right away. Instead he cried, and I thought, he's OK, I'll check on him in a few minutes. But then I heard several loud booms from upstairs, like the neighbors were building furniture or something. But it wasn't the neighbors. It was Calvin hitting his head against the side of the crib. I picked him up, he was freaking out, and nursed him to sleep. He gave himself a huge bruise across his forehead.

We're taking him to the doctor to ask what we should do about it. I have a few theories: he might be in pain from teething, and hitting his head out of frustration. I put Oragel on his gums before bed, and he didn't do it. Other than that, he might be stressed out because we've been traveling so much and his grandpa just died and so he's picking up on my stress. He might just need more frequent snacks. I don't know. Hopefully my teething theory is right, because it's easy to fix and it will be over soon.

He's always been a very intense baby (ask my friends who try to babysit him while I swim) and I hope this isn't a sign of serious inner turmoil. Then again, he is a toddler. Don't they always have inner turmoil?

I'll post again tomorrow, after the doctor appointment, and hopefully I won't have to get him fitted for a helmet.


  1. Kiss his forehead for me. Let me know what the doctor says. I think you are right about the teething. xo

  2. aw man, i was hoping that wasn't going to get worse. i'm glad you'll update us. I also hope it's about the teething.

  3. My son is 2 1/2 now and he began to hit himself in the face when he was about one years of age. I really don't understand it because he could be.the.most loving and enjoyable kid I have ever seen. However the moment he gets frustrated or get in trouble he will begin to hit himself. Or throw himself in the floor and start banging his head on the floor. Our first thought was Autism.. scary.. I know. But he loves playing with other children, he smiles and laughs all the time. He is so hyper, love to wrestle and act like a dinosaur. But sometimes I might just look at him or if he gets embarrassed he will fall over and bang his head. What do I do or should I get him evaluated?
