Saturday, April 10, 2010

Our multi-lingual Easter

Calvin's favorite DVD is Here Come the 123's by they Might Be Giants, and he watches it so much that he has all the songs memorized.

On Easter we went to Vespers at the Orthodox Church in Los Alamos. Their tradition is to read the Easter gospel in every language that people speak. The whole thing was really impressive, because there were only 12 people there and the gospel was read in 9 different languages.

It was Quinn's job to read it in Spanish, and my job to read it in German. Quinn got up and was nervous, because his Spanish is pretty rusty. Calvin was sitting on the bench with a coloring book being pretty quiet, but when Quinn started to read in Spanish, Calvin started to sing one of the songs from the DVD - the part where they start to add in Spanish.

Quinn just lost it. He couldn't read because he was laughing too hard. I was laughing too. Unfortunately, nobody else could hear what Calvin was doing, so they must have just thought Quinn was just nervous.

Then it was my turn. I was trying so hard to concentrate and ignore Calvin, but it was impossible because he started stuffing crayons into the pockets of my dress, which made me laugh. It was not a good day for public second language speaking.

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